a journey a destiny...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Time Passed By

The heat of Hari Raya is now slowing down. As for a family of my wife, it's time for a wedding ceremony. My younger bro-in-law will soon to be married by next week. Poor him, he was sleeping when me and my wife arrived at my in law's house to fetch Aiman, Afrina and our maid who was there for like hours and my maid was to help my older sister-in-law babysat her newborn baby.

Did you see me on an iGallop???

I saw my son playing iGallop, you know, kinda riding a horse thingie in his mind since the application was seemed to be like that, lol. I rode myself too, 6 months of not doing it eversince we moved to our own rental house. Like, gosh, that felt good in the ass. What else I did today? Iwas Osiming myself too, I had this backache for days. Lack of sleep and probably tired that like I said, I am immune to a simple tiredness.

Osim's handheld always sickening me

I thought it was enough for tonight, wanted to go back home. Checking sites, doing my usual surfing thingies before CSI Miami played on Astro. I checked out for my wife and saw her packing my bro-in-law's souveniers. She asked to lend her a hand, but just before everything was done, my son wanted to go home. Nevertheless, seeing us packing those souveniers seemed to be fun to him, so he now helped us doing his packing thing in his own way..hehe.

The only three of us covering those loads of souveniers

Yeap, soon there weren't 3 of us no more; there were lots of us packing and it was really fun. We managed to pack 1000 souveniers straight with all helping each other out including my children and my nephews. That was how helping each other did when all is done patiently :) I bet Mr Er will be surprised when he wakes up soon, thee hee heee.

Awesome helps from the family

Panuh satu bilik tamu!! The rest were put inside big boxes. The above pics are still in need of more boxes!!

Anyways, I didn't blogging very often nowadays. A bit busy, and I've things bugging my mind lately. Hope the one I (kinda) dream of becomes reality very, very soon. I thank my bro and my wife for making my life more enjoyable than before :)

Aslan (cheers!!)

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posted by Lan13 at 11:48 PM


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