a journey a destiny...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Er's Wedding 2.11.2008

The broom never looked nervous, that's the spirit

Er's sisters, cousin and sis in law

Drink all you can cuz it's free!! I like "asam boi" very much

Things that interested me the most was to maim those delicious foods coz I was starving actually, lol

Mr Rashdan after taking few photos. Isi parut dulu

Lalah bagas makan usul Abang Kamal Shop@Sarah's ani..kih kih

Time to go to the bride's place

Highlight person of the day, Julolo..hahaha

Civic Center, where the bride's ceremony was taken place

Nieces Dillah and Lina

Acting and posing and *interframe!!*

Er and the crews had arrived

Quite crowded. Felt like I was in the expo

Mr Azman took a proper angle for a better shot

Every Er's family was here

Another pose. Hey, no one took pickchaz of me *sad*

Still crowded, but not as crowded as before

The "basuh kaki" was held outside the Civic Center's hall

An oldschool pose, don't loose it bro

Respect the elder one

Bro, bukan tuang aying atu arah lutut bro, arah kaki wah, haha

\m/ back

Setakat deposit mantuka, lapas tu yooo!


Hopefully nada yang tesuap tulang yea..hahah

Muqri and Aiman, your days will come too..very, very soon...hehe

Both kids were actually wondering what Er and Epeh were doing

Ada nasi menyangkut kah Er?? Huhuhu

Taking pictures with cousins who worked hard during this ceremony

The carpet seemed to match Syahmi's shirt; color-coded!! Btw, I like the design of his shirt :)

In memoir..

Me and my family, but without Afrina, yet with my niece Syahmi (photo by Amirul)

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posted by Lan13 at 12:34 PM


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